Sunday, November 15, 2009

O, Man. I should practice more.

Just came back from the gym to find out I suck horribly in basketball. Alright, granted I already knew I sucked given the fact that I can't dribble for the life of me, but it was fun. I spent most of my time stealing lose balls and running clueless around the court trying to get open while the rest of my team scored beautiful coordinated baskets. The only shot I was able to make were lay-ups that rarely had any defenders on me, but shots like that only boost your moral so far. On the plus side, it was an awesome replacement for the typical cardio routine on a treadmill. The time playing with my brother, cousin, and friends are always fun, even if I suck monumentally compared to them. I hope my cousin moves up here so we can get this more as a routine. He just needs a firm to hire him. Anyone know a law firm thats hiring? I would so so give up treadmill routines for basketball, even though I suck. I'll practice. I'll get better. Just really sucks that everyone is taller than me. BOO!


  1. Don't blame your height. Look at Muggsy Bogues, the shortest player in NBA history - he was only 5'3"! And don't worry, you're not the only one who sucks at Basketball. I used to be decent back in HS, but I played a game not too long ago, and I could not make a single shot to save my life. Lame.

  2. I just bought a basketball so I could start shooting hoops at the park up the street from my house! Man I suck too XD

    It's fun to do though, even if no one is actually playing with me, haha
