Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Doodle Hour

Another trial and tribulations comes upon us as we have to endure another four hours of Art and Law. Not only was it our midterms due today, but we also went back in time within our curriculum. SO tell me why we needed to go another two hours of week one material. It was homework. We went through the needed topics and highlighted the important information weeks before. Was it really necessary? Well, here are some doodles I edited and worked on, new and old, that desperately needed some attention in my notebook, since Art and Law failed, yet again, to hold any interest to me. Honestly, I was playing catch up with my pre-print class work, so I merely edited some old pieces. Didn't really doodle all class period like I said I was gonna, but it'll just be this one time, promise. Hope you don't mind. Anyways, if it's new to you then it's fair game... enjoy!


  1. Yay for Doodle Hour! What's your medium on the last doodle? Me likey.

  2. @Ricks Thanks, Rickie! It's just sharpies. I gotta make do with what I have, haha. So glad you like it. ;}
