Friday, October 30, 2009

I Love Soccer!

I love soccer. It's one of my all time favorite sports, now. You can play it any time of the year, in any weather, and it's a game anyone can play. I think that's it is a little under-rated here in the US, mainly because our US team isn't number one, and that saddens me deeply. They should still get the media attention they deserve. Hopefully these very ecstatic players can get more interest in the sport, and create a more deeper sense of soccer awareness. I know I've been moved and inspired by these very aggressive and dedicated patrons of the sport. On that note, I think we need a change. These uniforms are perfect examples. They are aerodynamic, have enhanced mobility, very lightweight, and makes playing one-on-one more sensual. You really have to feel your opponents movements in order to defend efficiently, and forget about grass, it just hurts more when you fall. Mud is way more safe.

Eight Ball! Mailbox! Scissor! Bomb! Diamond! Mailbox! Mailbox!

O, man. One of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. To be honest, I thought I wasn't gonna do a blog today because it was a severely lazy day for me. But this warranted a blog. The interpretations of the fonts were unique and creative, especially Futura. And definitely, Wingdings haha. It was an okay clip up until the Wingdings scene, then it got hilarious! Well, my point of view anyway. The only negative opinion I have is that they didn't include Papyrus, Helvetica, and Caslon. Would have gone a whole new lvl... haha and I like how Futura is wearing nothing but blue spandex, green shorts, and the Green rangers gold vest thingy, haha. Would have been fun to see Hobo font, also. Mailbox! Open Mailbox!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Not feeling well...

...hard to be poetic when you got cracks in your chest where your heart used to be. Stupid monkey.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

So Your Falling?...

...if it's because of a girl I think it's a good thing you haven't hit the floor. Otherwise, "keep falling".

Something Fishy with Cognitive Psychology!

I drew a fishy! And a pretty darn good looking one, I might add. Today's class wasn't too bad. I like that she wants us doodling to stay focused. From her point of view, it probably looks like no ones paying attention, but I guess you do what works, or MAYBE, she doesn't like looking at our faces as she lectures... Hmmm, that's a concept right there. But there is scientific proof that doodling while being lectured increases alertness and the ability to retain information. Mainly works on the really boring things where you start to daydream.

Check it out for yourself. No BS here!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pervy Monkey!

This is kinda like a safety blanky for me. I take it everywhere. It's been with me in almost every competition in and out of the country. It's my pen baggy. It holds nothing but the essentials in writing, drawing, or doodling of my thoughts. And on the PLUS side, it's got a funky monkey on it! Japanese graphic design are really somewhat perverted, but it is funny. How else would you illustrate "Happy Ends", than with a monkey and a smiling juvenile taking a shower? Goshi! Goshi!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pics of the day?

Ok. Granted that its midnight and technically these pics were taken yesterday, I'm still gonna go ahead and post'em as is. Sponge Bob. Found him in my backpack. The best "Animal" crackers I've had in a long time!

I call this the Design Tornado! Pretty much consists of everything I've done in Ai thus far, maybe a little less. I cleaned my desk one time before and lost everything. Now it's just "organized mess". My pica ruler is in there somewhere.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

BS in Demonology?

I say so! Demonologists and demonology are worthless. How do you become a doctor of a study that relies on the Boogey man being real?! Total BS! Well, the only thing I can commend them for is that they make money off ignorance. But to make things interesting, let's say that there were demons, what can you do? really? Besides pray and hope that guardian angels exist also. If I had one following me, terrorizing me, I'd live in a church for the rest of my life.

Paranormal Activity?

A decent movie made from a budget of $15,000, and I commend the guerrilla advertising used to make this flick so appealing to so many audiences. They came up on this movie making an ungodly amount more than the production cost. But for the $10 I spent to watch this media proclaimed "scariest movie of all time", I feel that I was ripped off. Here are my reasons without trying to spoil it.

Reason #1- This film is littered with bad choices! When it comes to common sense, I say "Epic Fail".

Reason #2- This movie makes it look like there is such a profession as a demonologist and when do psychics recommend them?

Reason #3- The guy in the movie is just plain stupid, which some would say falls into Reason #1, but if you choose to watch this movie, you'll see why I chose to give him his own category. Ignorance kills.

Reason #4- I spent $10 to watch this.

Overall, it wasn't a bad sit through. Probably worth downloading, but not to pay $10 for. Thanks to the media hype and the stupid reactions of people who probably knew they were being recorded, this movie ran away with a heck of a lot more than it took to make it. Lucky them. Totally not worth the title of "scariest movie of all time". Far from it, but on a plus, it was a pretty decent terror movie. Terror, as in not bathing in blood and gore. The subtle effects of fear kick in on this one, rather than the horror of limbs being ripped to shreds as in the Saw series, which I think should have quit at the first movie.

See it if you want, it's not that bad. Heck, it's even funny at times. Wait, is that a good thing?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Back in the groove!

Feels great to be back in karate. Miss the people, the team feeling, and the thrill of being in the ring. The only downside, I'm sucking! After about 5 years of being out of it, it sucks to try to catch up to the younger tiny dragons in the class. THEY MAKE ME FEEL OLD.

Dear Diary,

I was dying today! I got nailed. Time was mocking me. It slowed down to an inch by inch, play by play, as his gloves slowly assaulted my face. Buentipo is a BEAST. At least I had one good combo in, and Frigg'n Reg, still fast and can counter anything. I feel like I need to practice, to practice. thisSUCKS!

Dear Neil,


Can't really argue though. I need to train more. I love it all. I'm also surprised Reg is into it again. We'll see how long it'll last. I'll give it a month. So, how's this gonna end?
Should I say that I'm aiming for Nationals next year? or Maybe be spontaneous and fuck it, compete in All Hawaii with Sensei Derrick and Sensei John. Should be an awesome trip! Guaranteed to get my ass beat, but it's a trip. I guess I'll just end this one saying that "I'm back". Not sure about competing yet, but that's for another blog.